When I took on the challenge to open my shop in November 2021, I had a vision for what I believe Fallbrook and Bonsall can be. My dream is still alive but is becoming reimagined. Unfortunately, our existing shop model is not working. Thus, in an effort to preserve resources and energy we are going to pivot our direction with our physical location. This will not affect our design services which have been the core of Terra Sol since 2019. Our design team will continue servicing residential and commercial projects in North County, San Diego.

I will be looking for new opportunities to contribute to local Pop Ups here locally as well. We hope to continue supporting our small makers so that you have a similar shopping experience to the one you’ve grown to love. Feel free to reach out to me with any ideas on this, I love a good brainstorm sesh!

I still see much potential here and trust that we will find a harmonious balance in maintaining roots and at the same time expanding our opportunities. It is possible for us to grow and flourish while staying true to that small town vibe. The beauty that brings new people here everyday is the same magic that has kept the locals, well… local.

My goal is to one day expand our dreams into something collaborative where we can support locals in an environment that offers even more. Think organic coffee in a mug, wifi and breakfast in a social environment shared with like minded people. We may be a small group, but we are mighty and you know who you are.

Thank you again from all of us at Terra Sol Shop, we know you have supported us and cheered us on. So, thank YOU! There is much to appreciate and we are so thankful to be a part of this community.

With Gratitude,


A story inspired by community.


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